The Waiting

Photo Credit: Jim

Photo Credit: Jim Adair

Sexual Content

I sit down, two rows behind them, not too close. I wouldn’t want them to feel me watching them. The ambient lights lower and the flickering light from the screen is all that is left. In moments of brightness, I can see her leaning into him, thrilled with the horror movie starting. Enjoying the exhilaration of a safe fright on on Halloween night. Then the darkness flashes and they disappear.

She is completely comfortable. He makes a space for her, and I can tell they have done this many times. She fits perfectly into his side. It is fascinating to watch how their movements mirror each other. Not like the fumbling start-stop of a first date. It’s the ease of co-developed habits. She picks up their shared soda to take a sip and offers him one. He leans in without looking, popcorn stopped midway to his mouth. He anticipated that offering. Delicious. Halfway through the movie and they are wrapped into each other. Slowly stroking each other. I can feel the desire in each of them as they pull the other closer. I can see their hands start to explore the other’s body, even with the press of people around them. They feel safe. 

 I feel the same surge I always get right before I know who my next victim will be. Two this time. An even bigger challenge. The anticipation of my decision is more stimulating than any drug. I can feel the excitement uncoil in my stomach and my blood spikes with lust.  

The light brightens for just a second and I can see her hand reach down between his thighs. I lick my lips. I see him press back into his seat, his head pressing into the chair, eyes closed. Her hands are at his zipper. My breath catches. I can hardly wait. The screen darkens again, and they are lost to my sight. I wait, breathing heavily, trying to keep my interest hidden from all around me, anxious to watch her bring him to climax. My pulse races with theirs, the darkness surrounds us, creating our moment of intimacy. 

I bite my lip as the lights come up, relief floods me, as I see her subtly inch closer. I slide to the edge of my seat, unconsciously moving closer to better observe my quarry. I forget myself in my hunger. She is barely moving, but I can feel how close he is to finishing. He looks into her eyes. She is staring back. I wonder if being in public is making this even more thrilling for them. I feel the pain as my teeth dig into the flesh of my lower lip as I see him release, his knuckles white on the arm rest. I taste blood in my mouth as I see the glint of self-satisfaction on her face. The darkness takes us all again as I see them settle into each other.  

My blood is roiling as I wait for the end credits to roll. I picture their car, parked alone in the back alley to pass the time. I anticipate waiting for them there. I slip quietly out of the theater before the credits have finished to prepare for their arrival. The back door of their car is unlocked; They are inviting me in. They must be eager too. My yearning for their arrival feels primal. I have to steady my hands so my excitement won’t show when they return to their car.  I stroke the cold, smooth barrel of the gun. The roughness of the hand grip, pleasurable against my palms. Shhhh. They’ll be here soon.  Waiting is the hardest part.   

Writing Prompt:

Write from deep first person point-of-view. Pick a character that is as extreme an opposite from your natural persona as you can. If you are a guy, write from lady’s perspective. If you are shy, write the from the life-of-the-party’s point-of-view.

Bonus Content: Challenge yourself to include a match, a car, and water in your short story or flash fiction.

Post your piece below in the comments. I can’t wait to read it. And be sure to let me know what you think of my story The Waiting!

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