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Serial Dating

Read my entry into the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge (Round #2). Judging comes out October 14th. Tell me how you think I did in the comments. I want to hear from you!

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Disappear Part 1

I didn’t want to want her.  I despised myself for my need to feel her pressed against me.  Even as I pressed her back against the wall, I wanted to be able to stop.  I wanted to pull back.  I buried my face into her neck and felt her hair fall around my face.  Even the smell of her cheap dollar store shampoo was so familiar. It forced the blood through my body and made my breath quicken.  

Blog Archive

Ashley Stowers Ashley Stowers

Taking My Lumps

Sometimes, you have to take your lumps, glean what you can from a lesson, and move on. For me, that ‘sometime’ is now. Read the judges’ feedback from the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge 2020, what I learned, and my submission to Round #1.

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