
Ivy - Website Photo.png

There had been better days. Days when she hadn’t had to fake the glitter in her eyes.  When a smile came naturally to her glistening, red painted lips without any effort at all.  No one would ever know the laughter in her voice wasn’t genuine; it flowed from her mouth like a waterfall of carefully spun fabric, bolstering up the men that danced under her spell.  The tantalizing pink silk dress flowed down her frame, clinging to each curve, calling men to her. They turned to watch her, like sunflowers following the heavenly path of the sun. The power she wielded went through her like a drug! They all wanted her.  And she wanted to disappear.

This very short piece is the inspiration behind what became a short story and is currently a work in progress that I am making into a full length novel titled Disappear. It was originally an assignment for my creative writing class, but the character of Ivy, the unwilling escort, caught my imagination and I couldn’t let her story go untold. She has evolved a lot since this piece. To read Part 1 of the novel she inspired, click here.


Writing Prompt:

In 150 words or less, develop a character that starts with the phrase “There had been better days,” or the phrase “There would be better days.” Post your story in the comments below or email it to info@ashleystowers.com


Elevator Revelations

